This year is a significant point in the story of Crawley. Today’s vibrant, diverse town is 60 years old, a marked contrast to the small settlement of the 1940s. The success of Crawley, that is set to continue into the future, is due to the people who live, work and play in the town.
It is a perfect time to make a monument for the future that honours the Crawley of today, and its people. Prior to the Royal visit in November a project was begun that aims to do just that by creating a new town feature that bears the marks of the people of Crawley. To discover more about any aspect of the project follow the links below.

Overview of the project
The Monument: - The Royal Visit: - The Location:
The People Represented: - The Artists: - How to get involved:


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at the royal walkaround and I thought that the sculpture was beautifull.